About Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
In a world where bullying and school shootings are becoming increasingly common, we are inspired to help create a peaceful solution.
Our solution, Nonviolent CommunicationSM, goes beyond punishment, police protection and gun control. We are passionate about training our youth and those who guide them, providing educators and kids with the tools to address conflict before it escalates to verbal or physical violence, through our anti bullying programs for schools and community organizations. Nonviolent Communication (or NVC) provides the awareness and skills to create harmony within our relationships at home, in school or at work.
It is our goal to inspire leadership qualities that positively and immediately impact the culture of the next generation, and which over time, will be incorporated into daily learning, thinking and interactions.
Our Nonviolent Communication programs directly support the social-emotional learning and well-being of the children in our community.
“NVC is about creating a quality of connection that gets everyone’s needs met through compassionate giving and receiving…”
Marshall Rosenburg, Center for Nonviolent Communication.
Areas we address include, but are not limited to:
- Creating an environment of mutual trust and respect
- Reducing bullying through our anti bullying and social-emotional learning programs
- Resolving conflicts at your organization or home
- Engaging our youth
Why learn Nonviolent Communication?
Bringing the core communication training of NVC to your organization or home will help cultivate a positive learning environment. NVC offers an environment where participants are able to express their needs with mutual respect, hear the needs of others and develop mutually satisfying outcomes through shared understanding.
Practitioners of Nonviolent Communication have found that focusing on universal needs can support meaningful engagement when communication difficulties and conflict arise, and can effectively address learning challenges. Nonviolent Communication for the Next Generation’s anti bullying programs can foster, and contribute to, cooperation and collaboration at school and within the extended community.
NVCnextgen’s programs directly address social-emotional well-being, a major component of the Hawaii Department of Education’s mission. In addition, our curriculum addresses Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching Domain 2b: Establishing a Culture of Learning, Domain 2d: Managing Student Behavior, and Domain 3c: Engaging Students in Learning.
To encourage participation in our NVC trainings, we are actively pursuing the Hawaii DOE Professional Development accreditation (PD credits) for Hawaii DOE educators who attend our NVC Trainings.
We believe that, with persistent and cooperative effort, our school anti-bullying programs can make a significant positive difference in schools, at home, in our community and in future contributions to the world we want for all.