FROM NOW ON by Marshall Rosenburg
by Marshall Rosenberg
From now on,
I choose to dream my own dreams so that I can fully taste the mystical excitement of being human.
From now on,
I choose to empathically connect with others so that I can fully respect the unique and holy experience to be found in each person every moment.
From now on,
I choose to have my actions flow from connection with nature and to direct my attention where it supports this flow.
From now on,
I choose to be aware of the unchosen, dehumanizing thoughts my culture planted within me, and to prevent them from leading me into robot-like, violent actions.
From now on,
I choose to openly reveal what is alive within me,even though others may not appreciate the gift.
From now on,
when wearing a title of authority, I choose to be aware that reaching frontiers before others never justifies punitive means to influence them to join me.
From now on,
I choose to believe that the failure of our needs to be fulfilled results from insufficient dialogue and creativity rather than scarcity.